2011年1月15日 星期六

It's all about expectation ( 期望)

結果,我們實際付了RMB3600, 多了RMB600. 更糟糕的是,對方不儘不認為拿到小費,還認為他給了我們10%的折扣.
It’s all about expectation ( 期望)!!!

2010 跨年至2011的年假,是我們家這幾年來第一次的family trip 沒有golf game.
去年在馬來西亞,前年在Las Vegas,..都是以golf為主軸的vacation.
所以,這次無 golf 的vacation對Daniel來說,可是一大突破,也是很大的犧牲. 為的是要到天寒地凍的北京,探望從去年10月就在那裡籌備新戲的小兒子Doug.

為了進出方便, 我拜託了北京朋友幫我租輛車及開車師傅(司機),提供交通服務,從我們到的12月30日下午三點半到離開的1月2日下午三點, 一共三整天.
朋友很熱心快速的找到一位張師傅, 也email了我相關收費:

>” I already called the driver and let him know when and where to pick you
> up on the 30th, and it's gonna be Buick van with no concern for 限行. all
> the previous conditions still prevail and what you have to pay are the
> van (RMB600/24hrs), gas(RMB7.12/litre on 93), driver(RMB600-800 plus
> any tips he deserves) and toll fees. let me know if any questions.”

小兒子Doug 也被copy了這封 email, 很快的respond提出他的問題
我第一個反應是覺得Doug太直接, 有點對朋友不好意思, 很想出面緩頰一下.

Hi ,
i am a little bit confused here:
"the previous conditions still prevail and what you have to pay are the van (RMB600/24hrs), gas(RMB7.12/litre on 93), driver(RMB600-800 plus any tips he deserves) and toll fees. let me know if any questions."
from my understanding the driver usually comes with the car, therefore do we just pay for the van (RMB600 which the driver is included) or we have to pay the van 600 + driver 600 total of 1200?
please let me know thanks!


I've explained this to Celia before, if you want to include the driver, then there're restrictions such as mileage limitation of 100KM/day and 8 work hours/day. if you expect to hit over either limit then there's Over Mileage charge (OM) of RMB2/KM or Over Time charge (OT) of RMB50/hour. and either way, it seems you're gonna exceed the limit and that's why I suggested to use known driver who takes care everything without limitations on OM or OT.

as for the driver fee, the RMB600 is a lump sum fee, not on daily basis. actually, counting from 12/30 to 1/2, it's 4 calendar days, but 3 24hour day, so RMB150-200/day for the driver should be ok.

and if you use a local van like 金杯, then it's much cheaper. or if you rent for a long period of time like 6 months, of course you can bargain for better rates. if you want local van, it's fine too, just that it's not as comfortable as Buick van. and if you can arrange from your company a better rate for 3-4 days, that's even better. let me know how you decide. Thanks.

所以,結論是車RMB1800 (600/day x 3 days), 師傅(司機) 三天600, 加汽油/停車/及過路費,及小費. 沒有里程限制,也沒有加班費. 就這樣搞定了交通工具.

張師傅人很好,每次都會下車幫我們開關車門. 這動作很貼心,因為在溫度負十幾度又很乾沒下雪的天氣,常常一摸車門就觸(靜)電. 他說習慣被電了.
他還介紹了兩家很有特色的餐廳,讓我們吃的很開心. 我們都很滿意他的服務.
所以Daniel 算算,決定給他 RMB3000,包括約兩百多的小費.

沒想到, Daniel付了RMB3600, 多了RMB600.

下面是我在離開北京前發給北京朋友的兩封 email:

> It's about the end of our Beijing trip. We are now sitting at the
> hotel lobby waiting for our airport pickup.
> We finish the day around 3:10 pm and paid the driver 3,600.
> Based on the driver's calculation, 3.5 days car rental, 4 days wage by
> 200/day, plus gas / toll / parking. And, he charged 50/ hour for
> overtime (starting from after 6 pm). So, total comes up 4000, and he
> gave us 10 0/0 discount to be 3,600.
> We didn't expect the overtime. But, since he's good, we treat the
> overtime as his tips and didn't offer him more.
> Just to keep you inform.
> Daniel and I appreciate all your help,
> Celia
 Sent from my iPhone


Actually, Daniel tried to stop me from writing the last mail about the driver.
He settled the payment with the driver in the car, while Jeffrey and I went to the hotel lobby to take care of the luggage.
So, Daniel is quite OK with the charge.

But, I told him, it's our Citibanker's way. We have been in the service industry to manage the expectation and the actual performance. And, we like to know the feedback.
So, I convinced Daniel that I need to let you know the situation in case you are requested for the similar referral in the future ( learning from Citi, right?)
It's purely an expectation issue. As you mentioned, if car and wages are ($ 600+ $200) x3, plus the less than $400 gas and toll (we ended up only went to 懷柔 one time), the total is around$2,800.
So, the tip is about $800. To me, the driver's service is good and deserves a big tip but not as he thought that he's giving a discount.

Well, don't you feel you are still working with me at Citi, for handling case like this? :)))

Let's end the discussion and as you said a happy trip with the family is the most important thing, and PRICELESS.

See you in Taipei


2011年1月14日 星期五








校長 found her way to fund the trip for those who have financial difficulty kids. But, asked them to plan and save for the trip allowance.
I heard some kids even saved their bus fares by walking back home (some 30 minutes walking). By doing so, they can save $13 a day.

Here is the message I just received today from 財金協會:
